Saturday, June 11, 2011

March 18th Journal Entry

Wednesday, Again, I waited for the rain to stop. It took a lot of effort to get a fire started. Its good that I do not make large fires. I had to walk 1/4 mile to find a dead, still standing fir tree. I stripped dry bark slabs adn filled them with shredded inner bark. I used this to start the fire and make a small bed of coals. I called Jammie to ask for a ride home later. I can not stay out here and be this damp and cold. I will take my bedding home to dry it.
Gosh, I was cold last night on a wet futon mattress, under wet blankets. Even though I bundled up in a track warm-up suit, two pairs of socks and a sweater, I was cold.
I have walked all the trails in the State Park. I imagine that it really is time to leave here. Maybe by Saturday my raft will come. I'll launch from this dock are, cross the lake and then short portage around the dam. But it is more likely, I will exit the Interstate at exit 105 and launch from the Little River launch ramp. I will miss two miles of the lake, but I will not have to carry everything. Maybe Sunday or Monday if the raft comes from Jim Luckett by slow express.
Some sun! A mixed day now. I returned the red worms to the ground, packed all my things, wrapping everything in plastic as the rain began again.
Loaded up when Jammie came. She said I should stay in Wytheville until Lorrie's baby comes. Then I can be Auntie Dawn. I am not sure that is a good idea. I feel I should be letting Mikey and Lorrie have some space and a house for their own. I will go to check on assisted housing, but I don't expect much.
Good night, Daddy. Let me know if I am wrong.

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