Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday morning back on land-waiting for bio report

Rainy Saturday morning, blustery, with a very Pacific rainforest feel. Not a good day for fiberglassing boat repairs. Humidity is way too high and the temperature will drop down too low for a good resin set.
Daddy, you seem to be engaging in delaying my journey. This and that flowed together well in the design and building process. Every slow down or stop leading to another project that needed doing. There was no real delay, just temporary adjornments. Now, even the cats seem intent on slowing things down. Ernie insists on being petted and held. My lap and this notebook have become a regular feline paradise. Could you maybe give me a heads up about what is coming next? Not a vision, because you know how those frighten me.
Had offers to use two cars today to go out and bring back the damaged boats. I thought I should get up early. I did and discovered that Tom Bombadillo's Goldberry had begun her Spring washing of the world. No money for gasoline, so it all works together to make me sit quietly petting. Best get back to doing it before Ernie gnaws my hand off.
 Love, Dawn.

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