Sunday, June 5, 2011

April 16th journal Entry

Daddy, Saturday afternoon was wonderfully bright. The temperature bright, the breezes bright, The misty humidity all blown away. I borrowed Robin's car and took tools down to the boats. The water had come up six more feet. The river is muddy, foaming and terribly swift.
My boats have damage. There are leaks, holes have been punched by floating tree limbs. There is a rip six feet long in the bottom the middle hull. I will need to reassess this type of boat. I took the 2 by 4's off of the three boats while five women drove down from the highway to watch me work. They watched for a half hour while the wind played with my skirt and loose blouse every time I bent over or crawled across the wood.
Three of them, Tracy, Sheila and Barb helped me pull the three now single boats further away from the river. We could not have moved the unit hooked together. Tracy liked to use her muscles, but she quickly suggested tipping each boat to empty the heavy water. We got the job done and I put the tools away in the car. I thanked them for their help and showed Sheila how I used fiberglass cloth to join the plywood panels.
They drove up the hill and away. I came behind, about two minutes later having searched in my purse for my keys. I almost caught up with them in the six miles back to the Interstate, but misjudged which way they had turned on I-81. I had had some idea of taking them all home with me.
Now it is Sunday morning, I hope to get back to the boats to begin repairs. It will take some time. Going to make ablutions, bye, Dawn.

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