I am an abomination in the eyes of the church leadership that once endorsed me as a pastor in their denomination. When I let the District President, the equivalent of a bishop in other church bodies, know that I was about to take estrogen and begin transition from male to female, he began the process of getting me out of the ministry.
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has long believed in the natural and divinely ordained supremacy of males. Although the Bible never declares men to be better than women, the actions of the men recorded therein certainly affirm a patriarchal society. The Hebrews throughout their recorded history have suppressed the women in their midst. Feminine traits are used as descriptors for traitors and cowards. Women are most always temptresses or the source of demonic worship.
So even though the Bible never mentions transsexual or transgendered individuals, male to female trans-people weaken the idea of male dominance and value. They attack the supremacy of male identity by simply existing. A transsexual pastor would slam all these patriarchal themes against the wall like the baby skulls slain by King Herod's men. My existence was and is a threat to the whole image of a male dominated church.
The bishop argued before my brothers in the Wyoming District ministerial assembly without mentioning any scripture. He simply said I was unfit for ministry because I would be taking estrogen, a female hormone. He falsely stated that I wanted to leave the church. Of course I was not invited to these meetings held by my peers. Not once was my opinion asked. Not one of my brother wanted to know. I was and still am an abomination in their minds.
I was informed that I could attend worship in synod's congregations, but I must not go anywhere near the congregations I had served as pastor. I was told to stay away from my "they could be defiled" family. Soon the pastors withdrew even the permission to sit at the back of any congregation. A former pastor in skirts was distracting, and an encouragement for others to sin.
I was declared unchristian and refused communion or forgiveness in LCMS churches. I was not defrocked for wearing a frock, but I was told that I was not welcome. Not once was I afforded the right to speak, not once tried as a heretic, or a renegade. "just leave" was the kindest of the words hurled at me. These men were so afraid.
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has long believed in the natural and divinely ordained supremacy of males. Although the Bible never declares men to be better than women, the actions of the men recorded therein certainly affirm a patriarchal society. The Hebrews throughout their recorded history have suppressed the women in their midst. Feminine traits are used as descriptors for traitors and cowards. Women are most always temptresses or the source of demonic worship.
So even though the Bible never mentions transsexual or transgendered individuals, male to female trans-people weaken the idea of male dominance and value. They attack the supremacy of male identity by simply existing. A transsexual pastor would slam all these patriarchal themes against the wall like the baby skulls slain by King Herod's men. My existence was and is a threat to the whole image of a male dominated church.
The bishop argued before my brothers in the Wyoming District ministerial assembly without mentioning any scripture. He simply said I was unfit for ministry because I would be taking estrogen, a female hormone. He falsely stated that I wanted to leave the church. Of course I was not invited to these meetings held by my peers. Not once was my opinion asked. Not one of my brother wanted to know. I was and still am an abomination in their minds.
I was informed that I could attend worship in synod's congregations, but I must not go anywhere near the congregations I had served as pastor. I was told to stay away from my "they could be defiled" family. Soon the pastors withdrew even the permission to sit at the back of any congregation. A former pastor in skirts was distracting, and an encouragement for others to sin.
I was declared unchristian and refused communion or forgiveness in LCMS churches. I was not defrocked for wearing a frock, but I was told that I was not welcome. Not once was I afforded the right to speak, not once tried as a heretic, or a renegade. "just leave" was the kindest of the words hurled at me. These men were so afraid.