Monday, June 2, 2014

August 16, 2013

Playing in my dreams (directing them in part), being an escaping convict, running within a state fair. Slept in until 6:30 am. The two (we just fish all day) guys came down and launched while I walked to get fresh water.
I talked with Nikki at the homeless shelter. Spoke with Tracie who is home with a day off of work, and with the both the City Clerk and one of the firefighters. I let them know that the boat registration is delayed and I'll be here for about another week.
I bought a propane bottle for the stove and now have 22 dollars in the bank, enough to last until the 21st. Five more days until my SS check comes.
Beginning to note cloud formations and weather signs. Small cumulonimbus at noon, clearing at 6pm and only high haze at 8pm.
I was offered a boat ride at about 2pm but declined it as Kathy had said she would come by at 2:30. She did not come, drats.
The water has dropped a foot since lunch-time. There is suppose to be a canoeist name Mary come to camp by me tonight. She is riding in a 17' long kayak down the Ohio River. Hope she makes it by dark.
 She did not. Good night, father.

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