Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Terrorist Nation

Back in the 1950's the US government conceived the notion of a cold warrior to fight a cold war. Men, mostly men, were recruited from the armed forces, colleges and correspondent ranks to become spies. At the same time trainers were selected to teach them the skills of espionage, terrorism and black operations.
All this had to be kept secret from the US electorate, who had been raised in the ideals of chivalry and who had just fought a major war to end state sanctioned terrorism in Europe. "Better dead than Red" was a cry of the day, but the electorate could not be counted on to approve the same methods that were being condemned by Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon in the halls of Congress. The government claimed to be above such treachery.
My father, a trainer and handler of such cold warriors, could never allow himself to be investigated for any wrong doing. He had been officially dropped from officer rank to become a non-suspect NCO cold warrior. His frequently changing posting as an aircraft crash investigator provided the cover he needed to travel the world quietly and without the flag of diplomatic immunity.
But my father was not an honorable man, just as the government leaders who sanctioned the cold warriors were not honorable men. Patriots, yes, but not adherent to the rule of US law. Practioners of torture, blackmail. extortion and murder, they could thrive only under the cover of complete secrecy.  These men who killed under the impress and in the name of our government often harmed and killed without that approval. When that happened the dishonorable band of brothers rallied to prevent an investigation of even a private blackmail, torture or killing. Crimes were covered up, the truth hidden from view for reasons of national security.
A covert government must in time become the real government of a people believing still in a free democracy and an open system of justice. Alliances made by these secret men must be protected, strengthened and held sacred above the rule of law, beyond the influence of voters or courts. Their oath become oaths to themselves. They must overcome the restrictions of the Constitution and continually weaken and circumvent it.
James Bond and Jason Bourne are mythical spies. The men who lead the covert organizations are not such men of conscience. They are criminals more akin to the organizers of Blackburn and Smirch than to white knight heroes. They recruit now from the ranks of crime families, pirate businessmen and corrupt politicians. They call themselves patriots, while destroying the land.
The Bushes, Cheneys, Hoovers, Kennedys, Hages and congressional old men speak of patriotism, balanced budgets and secure borders. In their hearts, they dream of the oligarchy that is theirs already. They dream of the day when a hireling class will serve them alone.

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